Christmas is a time of giving

and for most people, it is a time of receiving gifts and sharing in the joy of the season with family friends. However, for many South Africans Christmas is a harsh reminder of what they don’t have and can be a very difficult time of year. Sisters Act and Afrika Tikkun partnered once more at the end of 2013 to add some sunshine and happiness to the lives of children who are part of the Child and Youth Development Programme in delft. Sisters Act believes in helping those less fortunate in ways that empower them and allow them to extract as much use and productivity from the gifts as possible, and we were thrilled at the way Afrika Tikkun utilized our donation. Thanks to Sisters Act’s generosity; 438 children were greeted with smiles and gift boxes at their Christmas party held on 6 December 2013 at the Nelson Mandela Peace Park. Water bottles, snack packs and school stationery were amongst the gifts inside these packages
– practical and exciting!

We are so happy to be a part of an organization that does so much for so many and absolutely loved the collage Afrika Tikkun sent us after the special occasion. It’s evident that these gifts were a huge hit with the kids! There is no greater joy than that of lighting up someone else’s life.

On 18 July 2014, the Sisters Act team were lucky enough to help change lives of some incredibly special people thanks to our relationship with Africa Tikkun

Afrkia Tikkun is a community development organization that provides education, health and social services to children and families throughout South Africa. One such family is the Fesi Family – Nolinda and her three beautiful children Likhona, Ange and Lindokuhle. Nolinda is an unemployed single mother struggling to provide for her family. Afrika Tikkun’s Early Childhood Development program assists Nolinda during the day by taking her two eldest children in. Tragically, the Fesi family were kicked out of their shack in the Mfuleni Community at the same time as one of Nolinda’s children was diagnosed with TB. Nolinda moved her family into a friend’s shack where they were sharing a single room
between the four of them.

Thanks to Sisters Act and Afrika Tikkun; this Mandela Day saw a bright new beginning for the Fesi family as we took it upon ourselves to build Nolinda and her children a new home in Mfuleni. Granted with a space of their own and a newly build shack; the Fesi family can now continue their lives in a stable condition and focus on improving their situation, as well as giving Nolinda a secure place to look after her child. The combined efforts of Sisters Act and Afrika Tikkun are the types of acts of kindness that can place hope back into the hearts of community members. Mandela Day 2014 was an extremely special occasion for the Sisters Act team as we actively watched how much joy we brought to the Fesi family and, with our own hands, built the foundation for their progress and future success.